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Aris is written in TypeScript language. Some basics for you to understand the types declaration.

Let's look at the types declaration below. It is for Alert component.

type AlertProps = {
alertType?: AlertTagColor
alignment?: "left" | "right"
className?: string
hasShadow?: boolean
art?: "right" | "left"
children: React.ReactNode

type AlertTagColor = number | "gray" | "blue" | "red" | "yellow" | "green" | "random" | "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error"

The properties, which has ? (question mark) at the end, are optional properties. In the declaration above, only children are required. That say, we would have some usage examples:

Your subscription is going to be expired after 3 days.


<Alert alertType="warning">
Your subscription is going to be expired after 3 days.

* The example below is invalid
* because aligment only accepts 2 values: "left" or "right"
* but you provide "center"

<Alert alertType="warning" alignment="center">
Your subscription is going to be expired after 3 days.