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Baris-A is a serverless template. To deploy your application to the cloud, there is no need to do anything. Connect your GitHub repository where you store your Baris-A to Cloudflare and next next next,... and you have your website deployed globally at the address https://{yourname}, if you own a domain, add it later in minutes.

What you are dealing with Baris-A is local development environment. You need to set up a local development environment to development, preview your Baris-A (your website) locally. When it is ready to be public, you push it to your GitHub repository and do the deployment process.

Install softwares

  1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) - a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications

    Go to, download and install.

  2. NodeJs - is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

    Go to, download and install the long-term support package which is recommended for most users - current version is 16.17.0 LTS

    After installing, run a command-line terminal, run command npm -v. If it shows you 16.17.0, then you can start using VS Code. If any error occurs, just restart your computer.

  3. Git - a free and open-source software for distributed version control.

    Go to, download and install Git.

    We need to config settings to get Git and GitHub connected. Open a command-line terminal, run following commands (don't forget to replace your-email and your-name by yours):

    git config --global "your-email"
    git config --global "your-name"

    You can install Git later when you want to push your website to GitHub. Not required if you just run Baris-A locally.

Notes for installing Git in Windows
  • Select Destination Location => keep default settings
  • Select Components => keep default settings
  • Select Start Menu Folder => keep default settings
  • Choosing the default editor used by Git => Choose Use Visual Studio Code as Git's default editor
  • Adjusting the name of the initial branch in new repositories => keep default settings
  • Adjusting your PATH environment => keep default settings
  • Choosing the SSH executable => keep default settings
  • Choosing HTTPS transport backend => keep default settings
  • Configuring the line ending conversions => Choose: Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings
  • Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash => keep default settings
  • Choose the default behavior of "git pull" => keep default settings
  • Choose a credential helper => keep default settings
  • Configuring extra options => keep default settings
  • Configuring experimental options => keep default settings

Run Baris-A locally

To ensure that your local development environment is correctly configured.

  • Extract your Baris-A (the Zip file which you downloaded after purchased) to desired folder.

  • Use Visual Studio Code to open this folder (File -> Open folder...)

  • Open the terminal inside VS Code (Ctrl + `) and run following command exact order:

    • npm install - this would take you 5-10 minutes to finish the installation
    • npm run build - less than 30 seconds
    • npm run start - a couple of seconds to start the local server

Baris-A should be up and running for now 🎉.


To stop the local server, (make sure the terminal is active) press Ctrl + C


I will update the video soon...