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Content blocks

Baris-A comes with many content blocks (or designed blocks) which helps you to present your data/information the way you want to.


Type declaration
type: "address"
data: {
title?: string
address: string
content: [
type: "address",
data: {
title: "address",
address: "12 Orange Street, Suite 330"
Type declaration
type: "breadcrumbs",
data: Array<{
title: string,
slug?: string,
icon?: React.ReactNode
content: [
type: "breadcrumbs",
data: [
{ title: "about", slug: "/about" },
{ title: "history" },


Type declaration
type: "categoryGrid",
data: Array<{
imgUrl: string,
title: string,
website?: string,
description?: string
content: [
type: "categoryGrid",
data: [
imgUrl: "/img/segments/travel.jpg",
title: "lu-hanh",
website: "",
description: "tour-du-lich-trong-va-ngoai-nuoc"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/villa.jpg",
title: "biet-thu",
website: "",
description: "biet-thu-du-lich-nha-nguyen-can"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/air-ticket.jpg",
title: "ve-may-bay",
website: "",
description: "ve-may-bay-trong-va-ngoai-nuoc"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/transportation.jpg",
title: "van-chuyen",
website: "",
description: "thue-xe-ve-xe-limousine"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/food.jpg",
title: "an-uong",
website: "",
description: "nha-hang-bbq-com-doan"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/hotel.jpg",
title: "khach-san",
website: "",
description: "khach-san-binh-dan"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/construction.jpg",
title: "xay-dung",
website: "",
description: "xay-dung-nha-o-biet-thu"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/construction-plan.jpg",
title: "tu-van-thiet-ke",
website: "",
description: "tu-van-thiet-ke-xay-dung"
imgUrl: "/img/segments/farmstay.jpg",
title: "farmstay",
website: "",
description: "farmstay-nha-vuon-du-lich"


Type declaration

There is not type declaration

content: [
type: "contactForm"


Type declaration
type: "facts",
data: Array<{
quantity: number,
title: string,
imageUrl?: string
content: [
type: "facts",
data: [
quantity: 10,
title: "employees",
imageUrl: "/img/elements/icon-award.svg"
quantity: 250,
title: "projects",
imageUrl: "/img/elements/icon-award.svg"
quantity: 100,
title: "income",
imageUrl: "/img/elements/icon-award.svg"
quantity: 250,
title: "projects",
imageUrl: "/img/elements/icon-award.svg"
quantity: 100,
title: "income",
imageUrl: "/img/elements/icon-award.svg"


Type declaration
type: "faqs",
data: Array<{
question: string
answer: string
expanded?: boolean
additional?: {
question?: string[]
answer?: string[]
content: [
type: "faqs",
data: [
question: "question-1",
answer: "Annual price is %s, we have lifetime packages only %s.",
expanded: true,
additional: {
answer: ["100", "999"]
question: "Hello %s, how is everything going?",
answer: "answer-2",
additional: {
question: ["Brian"]
question: "question-3",
answer: "answer-3"


Type declaration
type: "headerBlock",
data: {
title: string
description?: MarkdownText
rightText?: string
lang?: Language
content: [
type: "headerBlock",
data: {
title: "my-business-journey",
description: "Et ex nulla sint commodo non eu ea. Amet pariatur...",
rightText: "01"


Type declaration
type: "image",
data: {
title: string,
src: {
mobile: string
desktop?: string
description?: string
rounded?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl"
wfull?: boolean
hfull?: boolean
content: [
type: "image",
data: {
title: "Jessica Alber",
src: {
mobile: ""
rounded: "xl"


Type declaration
type: "imageGrid",
data: Array<{
title: string
imgUrl: string
slug?: string
content: [
type: "imageGrid",
data: [
title: "",
imgUrl: "",
slug: "/about/resume"
title: "",
imgUrl: ""
title: "",
imgUrl: ""
title: "",
imgUrl: ""
title: "",
imgUrl: ""
title: "",
imgUrl: ""
Type declaration
type: "links",
data: Array<{
* if you set a type for a link
* we will show an icon for the link (default icon)
* if you don't set imageUrl.
type?: LinkMetaType
title: string,
description?: string
slug: string,
iconPicture?: string,
decoration?: {
* we will fill gradient the background
* 1st & 2nd is background gradient
* 3rd is text-color
backgroundColor?: [string, string, string]
isTextCenter?: boolean
isBold?: boolean
isItalic?: boolean
isDownloadable?: boolean
content: [
type: "links",
data: [
type: undefined,
title: "upcoming-events",
description: "upcoming-events-description",
slug: "/links",
iconPicture: undefined
type: "zip",
title: "frequently-asked-questions",
description: "frequently-asked-questions-description",
slug: "/faqs",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
backgroundColor: ["blue", "red", "white"]
type: "xls",
title: "50%-discount-voucher",
description: "get-your-discount-for-october",
slug: "/home-links",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
isBold: true,
isItalic: true
type: "youtube",
title: "learn-js-in-3-hours",
slug: "/a-song",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
isItalic: true
type: "cv",
title: "Modeling and Control of Modern Electrical Energy Systems",
description: "PDF, EPUB",
slug: "/tengyart-8VHtAr2LSWE-unsplash.jpg",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
decoration: {
isDownloadable: true


Type declaration
type: "list",
data: Array<{
title: string
value: string
slug?: string
content: [
type: "list",
data: [
title: "React Official Tutorial",
slug: "",
value: "General Tutorials"
title: "React Hooks",
slug: "",
value: "React Hooks"
title: "JSX in TypeScript",
value: "TypeScript"
title: "React Optimizing Performance",
value: "React Performance"
title: "Reconciliation",
value: "React Internals"
title: "13 Essential React Interview Questions",
value: "React Interview Questions"
title: "CodePen",
slug: "",
value: "React Online Playgrounds"


Type declaration
type: "map",
data: {
defaultZoom?: number
defaultCenter?: [number, number]
* the first marker in the list could be activated as `always onhover`
markers: Array<{
anchor: [number, number]
title?: string
description?: string
slug?: string
color?: string
width?: number
isDefault?: boolean
content: [
type: "map",
data: {
defaultCenter: [10.8161863, 106.7782831],
defaultZoom: 16,
markers: [
anchor: [10.8119658, 106.7759439],
slug: "/blog/labore-nisi-cillum-voluptate-consequat-reprehenderit-laborum-deserunt-exercitation",
title: "Location 1",
description: "Esse consequat sunt aliqua exercitation consectetur aute amet et consequat velit voluptate."
anchor: [10.8161863, 106.7782831],
color: "red",
slug: "/blog/minim-sunt-velit-do-veniam-velit",
title: "Location 2",
description: "Ea duis pariatur officia enim officia nostrud elit ullamco."
anchor: [10.8172676, 106.7824432],
color: "green",
slug: "/portfolio/incididunt-eu-lorem-ut-in-proident-labore-voluptate",
title: "Location 3",
description: "Voluptate ipsum magna sit nostrud incididunt laborum."


Type declaration
type: "quoteBlock",
data: {
text: string
author?: string
isTop?: boolean
lang?: Language
content: [
type: "quoteBlock",
data: {
text: "robert-quote",
author: "Robert Theobald"



Type declaration
type: "resume.experience"
data: Array<{
logoUrl: string
jobTitle: string
companyName: string
location: string
contractType: "full-time" | "part-time" | "freelance"
startDate: string
endDate: string
description: MarkdownText
content: [
type: "resume.experience",
data: [
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "senior-developer",
companyName: "Twitter",
location: "London",
contractType: "full-time",
startDate: "June 2019",
endDate: "present",
description: "twitter-description",
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "middle-developer",
companyName: "Dropbox",
location: "London",
contractType: "part-time",
startDate: "April 2018",
endDate: "June 2019",
description: "dropbox-description",
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "junior-developer",
companyName: "Blogger",
location: "London",
contractType: "full-time",
startDate: "December 2017",
endDate: "March 2018",
description: "blogger-description",

Type declaration
type: ""
data: Array<{
logoUrl: string
major: string
schoolName: string
location: string
startDate: string
endDate: string
content: [
type: "",
data: [
logoUrl: "",
major: "master-in-software-engineering",
schoolName: "brunel-university",
location: "London",
startDate: "Sep 2017",
endDate: "May 2019",
logoUrl: "",
major: "master-in-software-engineering",
schoolName: "brunel-university",
location: "London",
startDate: "Sep 2013",
endDate: "May 2017",

Telephone & Emails


Type declaration
type: "telephone"
data: Array<{
name: string
numbers: string[]
content: [
type: "telephone",
data: [
name: "Office",
numbers: ["0984554895", "0888007600"]
name: "Personal",
numbers: ["0984554895", "0888007600"]


Type declaration
type: "email"
data: Array<{
icon: "email" | "work" | "personal"
email: string
content: [
type: "email",
data: [
icon: "email",
email: "[email protected]"
icon: "work",
email: "[email protected]"


Type declaration
type: "telephone-email" | "email-telephone"
data: {
email: Array<{
icon: "email" | "work" | "personal"
email: string
telephone: Array<{
name: string
numbers: string[]
content: [
type: "telephone-email",
data: {
telephone: [
name: "Office",
numbers: ["0984554895", "0888007600"]
name: "Personal",
numbers: ["0984554895", "0888007600"]
email: [
icon: "email",
email: "[email protected]"
icon: "work",
email: "[email protected]"


Type declaration
type: "text"
data: MarkdownText
compact?: boolean
lang?: Language
content: [
type: "text",
compact: false,
> Nisi pariatur velit velit veniam laboris mollit anim irure cupidatat quis consectetur eiusmod reprehenderit occaecat.

## Esse aute esse quis officia.

Laboris ullamco aliquip consequat exercitation culpa excepteur consectetur.
Voluptate eu fugiat proident.


Type declaration
type: "textBlock"
data: {
text: MarkdownText
slug?: string
lang?: Language
content: [
type: "textBlock",
data: {
text: "✈ Exercitation 🏨 Velit 🚌 Deserunt 📐 Laborum 🏗 Sint",
slug: "/"


Type declaration
type: "video"
data: {
src: string
autoPlay: boolean
loop: boolean
muted: boolean
content: [
type: "video"
data: {
src: "/video/intro.mp4"
autoPlay: false
loop: true
muted: true


Type declaration
type: "youtube"
data: {
id: string
title: string
playlistCoverId?: string
content: [
type: "youtube",
data: {
title: "Ariana Grande - One Last Time (Official)",