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Lists of all supported markdown syntaxes and examples

Format text

Formatting text in markdown is simple, and you can do it as you're typing.

# This is H1

The **quick fox** jumps over the _lazy_ dog.

## This is H2

The quick fox fly jumps over the _**lazy**_ dog.

1. fox
2. dog
3. lazy

### This is H3

> All Things are Difficult Before they are Easy

Ut `pariatur ad ea aute ullamco velit commodo`.
Laboris consectetur culpa aute. **`Aliqua`** consectetur id irure.

- item 1
- item 2
- item 3


This is H2

The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog.

This is H3

The quick fox fly jumps over the lazy dog.

This is H4

All Things are Difficult Before they are Easy

Ut pariatur ad ea aute ullamco velit commodo. Laboris consectetur culpa aute. Aliqua consectetur id irure.


There are two ways to make the text italic: _italic_ or *italic*. And there are three ways to make the text both bold and italic: ***bold*** or **_bold_** or _**bold**_


Tables in markdown is a bit complicated. And if you are not very familiar with markdown, you can use the following table example or using

| | Regular | Extended |
| **Number of end products** | 1 | unlimited |
| **Use in a single end product** | ✅ | ✅ |
| **Use in an end product that's sold** | ❌ | ✅ |
| **On-demand products/services**<br />_(e.g. "made to order" or "create your own" apps and sites)_ | ❌ | ✅ |
Number of end products1unlimited
Use in a single end product
Use in an end product that's sold
On-demand products/services
(e.g. "made to order" or "create your own" apps and sites)