Content blocks
Aris comes with many content blocks (or designed blocks) which helps you to present your data/information in pages, blog post or any places you want to.
Type declaration
type AlertProps = {
alertType?: AlertTagColor
alignment?: "left" | "right"
className?: string
hasShadow?: boolean
children: React.ReactNode
* make your alert looks `art` when skew to the left or to the right
art?: "right" | "left"
type AlertTagColor = number | "gray" | "blue" | "red" | "yellow" | "green" | "random" | "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error"
- Usage
- Screenshots
import Alert from "~/components/Alert"
<Alert alertType="warning">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip locales justifying information
Type declaration
type AlignProps = {
alignment?: "left" | "right" | "2Columns" | "expanded"
className?: string
children: React.ReactNode
- Usage
- Screenshots
import Align from "~/components/Align"
<Align alignment="2Columns">
Occaecat commodo ullamco nisi exercitation magna dolore et. Aliqua proident nisi ea fugiat et velit cupidatat. Fugiat incididunt aute eu cillum in in amet cupidatat laborum. Minim reprehenderit esse irure culpa. Officia anim pariatur tempor irure.
Amet dolore cillum dolore officia sit eiusmod aliqua Lorem sit excepteur ullamco ea. Eu velit id in Lorem labore voluptate ea non deserunt sit in labore. Dolor cillum nostrud exercitation adipisicing irure..
Type declaration
type FactsProps = {
facts: FactsGroup
langTable: LangTable
type FactsGroup = {
title?: string
description?: string
facts: FactItem[]
type FactItem = {
quantity: number,
title: string
imageUrl?: string
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Facts from "~/components/Facts"
export const factsInAbout: FactsGroup = {
title: "fact-in-about",
description: "fact-in-about-description",
facts: [
quantity: 10,
title: "employees",
imageUrl: ""
quantity: 250,
title: "projects",
imageUrl: ""
quantity: 100,
title: "income",
imageUrl: ""
quantity: 1000,
title: "customers",
imageUrl: ""
If you don't use translation, just remove langTable
facts={factsInAbout} //just remove this line
Type declaration
type FaqsBlockProps = {
faqs: FAQs[],
langTable: LangTable
* if FaqsBlock is `standalone`, it only display list of questions and answers
* without `title` and `description`
standalone?: boolean
type FAQs = {
question: string
answer: string
expanded?: boolean
additional?: {
question?: string[]
answer?: string[]
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import FaqsBlock from "~/components/Faqs"
export const faqsServices: FAQs[] = [
question: "question-1",
answer: "Annual price is %s, we have lifetime packages only %s.",
expanded: true,
additional: {
answer: ["100", "999"]
question: "Hello %s, how is everything going?",
answer: "answer-2",
additional: {
question: ["Brian"]
question: "question-3",
answer: "answer-3"
If you don't use translation, just remove langTable
property and add standalone
langTable={faqsServicesLangTable} //just remove this line
standalone //add this line
Type declaration
type FeaturesSimplicityProps = {
features: TFeatures
langTable: LangTable
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Features from "~/components/Features"
export const mySkills: TFeatures = {
title: "skills-built-for-more-than-10-years",
subTitle: "my-talents",
description: "skills-overview",
items: [
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-1",
description: "skill-1-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-2",
description: "skill-2-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-3",
description: "skill-3-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-4",
description: "skill-4-description",
Type declaration
type FeaturesBlocksProps = {
features: TFeatures
langTable: LangTable
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Features from "~/components/Features"
export const mySkills: TFeatures = {
title: "skills-built-for-more-than-10-years",
subTitle: "my-talents",
description: "skills-overview",
items: [
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-1",
description: "skill-1-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-2",
description: "skill-2-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-3",
description: "skill-3-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-4",
description: "skill-4-description",
Type declaration
type FeaturesPictureProps = {
features: TFeatures
langTable: LangTable
* swap `left to right` and `right to left`
reverse?: boolean
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Features from "~/components/Features"
export const mySkills: TFeatures = {
title: "skills-built-for-more-than-10-years",
subTitle: "my-talents",
description: "skills-overview",
items: [
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-1",
description: "skill-1-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-2",
description: "skill-2-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-3",
description: "skill-3-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-4",
description: "skill-4-description",
Type declaration
type FeaturesArtProps = {
features: TFeatures
langTable: LangTable
* swap
reverse?: boolean
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Features from "~/components/Features"
export const mySkills: TFeatures = {
title: "skills-built-for-more-than-10-years",
subTitle: "my-talents",
description: "skills-overview",
items: [
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-1",
description: "skill-1-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-2",
description: "skill-2-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-3",
description: "skill-3-description",
imageUrl: "",
title: "skill-4",
description: "skill-4-description",
Type declaration
type HighlightProps = {
* background color
color?: string,
* text color
text?: string,
children: React.ReactNode
- Usage
- Screenshots
import Highlight from "~/components/Highlight"
<Highlight>3rd article</Highlight>
<Highlight color="blue" text="white">
3rd article
Sed ut perspiciatis <Highlight>3rd article</Highlight> unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem <Highlight color="blue" text="white">doloremque</Highlight> doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo <Highlight color="yellow" text="black">explicabo</Highlight> veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Display a image based on screen size. mobile
for screen size >= 640px
. desktop
for screen size > 640px
Type declaration
type ImageProps = JSX.IntrinsicElements["img"] & {
srcList: ImgSrcSet,
rounded?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl"
wfull?: boolean,
hfull?: boolean
type ImgSrcSet = {
mobile: string
desktop?: string
description?: string
- Usage
- Data
- Note
import Image from "~/components/Image"
className="bg-slate-100 w-full"
export const image = {
mobile: "/img/background/image1.jpg",
desktop: "/img/background/image2.jpg",
description: "image 1"
This component is flexible for it is extended from img
tag and it can receive styles
Type declaration
type LatestBlogPostsProps = {
showTitle?: boolean
display?: Display
* max is 6
limit?: number,
showAsColumn?: boolean
- Usage
- Screenshots
import LatestBlogPosts from "~/components/LatestBlogPosts"
display={["image", "description"]}
You can extract and display latest update by block
or by link
Type declaration
* LatestContent.Note
* LatestContent.Update
* LatestContent.Announcement
type LatestBlockProps = { alignment?: "left" | "right" }
* LatestContent.NotesLink
* LatestContent.UpdateLink
* LatestContent.AnnouncementLink
type LatestLinkProps = {/* empty */}
- Usage
- Screenshots
import LatestContent from "~/components/LatestContent"
<LatestContent.Note />
<LatestContent.Update />
<LatestContent.Announcement />
<LatestContent.NotesLink />
<LatestContent.AnnouncementLink />
<LatestContent.UpdateLink />
View latest announcement <LatestContent.AnnouncementLink /> for details.
LatestPortfolio {#latest-portfolio}}
Type declaration
type LatestPortfolioProps = {
showTitle?: boolean
display?: Display
limit?: number
- Usage
- Screenshots
import LatestPortfolio from "~/components/LatestPortfolio"
display={["image", "description"]}
If you want a link
, let you use Link component. Or if the target is internal links
, you must use this component, or multi-language feature not working.
Type declaration
type LinkProps = {
to: string
className?: string
children: string
- Usage
import Link from "~/components/Link"
<Link to="/blog">Blog</Link>
Type declaration
type LinksGridProps = {
links: LinkMeta[]
className?: string
type LinkMeta = {
* if you set a type for a link
* we will show an icon for the link (default icon)
* if you don't set imageUrl.
type?: LinkMetaType
title: string,
description?: string
slug: string,
iconPicture?: string,
decoration?: {
* we will fill gradient the background
* 1st & 2nd is background gradient
* 3rd is text-color
backgroundColor?: [string, string, string]
isTextCenter?: boolean
isBold?: boolean
isItalic?: boolean
isDownloadable?: boolean
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
imort LinksGrid from "~/components/LinksGrid"
<LinksGrid links={linksGrid} />
export const linksGrid: LinkMeta[] = [
title: "link1",
slug: "/about",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg"
title: "link2",
slug: "/terms-of-service",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg"
title: "link3",
slug: "",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg"
title: "link4",
slug: "/contact",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
Type declaration
type LinksListProps = {
links: LinkMeta[]
className?: string
type LinkMeta = {
* if you set a type for a link
* we will show an icon for the link (default icon)
* if you don't set imageUrl.
type?: LinkMetaType
title: string,
description?: string
slug: string,
iconPicture?: string,
decoration?: {
* we will fill gradient the background
* 1st & 2nd is background gradient
* 3rd is text-color
backgroundColor?: [string, string, string]
isTextCenter?: boolean
isBold?: boolean
isItalic?: boolean
isDownloadable?: boolean
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import LinksList from "~/components/LinksList"
<LinksList links={linksList}/>
export const linksList: LinkMeta[] = [
type: undefined,
title: "Upcoming events",
description: "Upcoming events",
slug: "/",
iconPicture: undefined
type: "zip",
title: "All chess matches with comments",
description: "Collected from 3 millions matches",
slug: "/",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
backgroundColor: ["blue", "red", "white"]
type: "xls",
title: "Dashboard for lazy man",
description: "Automate your daily tasks",
slug: "/",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
isBold: true,
isItalic: true
type: "youtube",
title: "My programming youtube channel",
slug: "/contact",
iconPicture: undefined,
decoration: {
isItalic: true
type: "cv",
title: "Curriculum vitae of Brian",
slug: "/files/mycv.pdf",
iconPicture: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
decoration: {
isDownloadable: true
Map component allows you to show a map and you can also add many custom marker. When hovering over a marker, it information would be display on the top right of the map.
Type declaration
type MapProps = {
markers: TMarker[]
* zoom is from `4` to `18`
defaultZoom?: number
defaultCenter?: Point
hasPadding?: boolean
alignment?: "left" | "right" | "expanded"
export type TMarker = {
width?: number
color?: string
anchor: Point
slug?: string
title?: string
description?: string
* title and description would be displayed
* as if the marker is on hover if `isDefault` is true
* Tip: only set 1 marker with `isDefault = true`
isDefault?: boolean
* [latitude, longitude]
export type Point = [number, number]
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Map from "~/components/Map"
defaultCenter={[10.8161863, 106.7782831]}
export const myMarkers: TMarker[] = [
anchor: [10.8119658,106.7759439],
slug: "/blog/labore-nisi-cillum-voluptate-consequat-reprehenderit-laborum-deserunt-exercitation",
title: "Location 1",
description: "Esse consequat sunt aliqua exercitation consectetur aute amet et consequat velit voluptate."
anchor: [10.8161863, 106.7782831],
color: "red",
slug: "/blog/minim-sunt-velit-do-veniam-velit",
title: "Location 2",
description: "Ea duis pariatur officia enim officia nostrud elit ullamco."
anchor: [10.8172676,106.7824432],
color: "green",
slug: "/portfolio/incididunt-eu-lorem-ut-in-proident-labore-voluptate",
title: "Location 3",
description: "Voluptate ipsum magna sit nostrud incididunt laborum."
Do not set more than 1 markers with isDefault={true}
or their content would be overlapped.
Where to get the anchor
You can use Google Map and, select a location on the map and you will have the anchor
anchor = [1.29105, 103.8439817]
zoom = 17
Type declaration
type MarkdownProps = {
maxWidth?: "md" | "lg" | "xl"
textSize?: "md" | "lg" | "xl"
* by the fault, the spacing between h1, h2 & h3 is big
* some cases, we need to decrease the spacing for
* some inner block of text
compact?: boolean
* split the text into 2 columns
twoColumns?: boolean,
- Usage
- Note
import Markdown from "~/components/Markdown"
<Markdown markdown={`
# H1
**Lorem** ipsum dolor \`sit\` amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do **eiusmod** tempor incididunt ut labore.
|Single backticks|\`'Isn't this fun?'\` |'Isn't this fun?' |
|Quotes |\`"Isn't this fun?"\` |"Isn't this fun?" |
|Dashes |\`-- is en-dash, --- is em-dash\`|-- is en-dash, --- is em-dash|
In most cases, you don't need to use any properties except markdown
<Mardown markdown="...." />
Markdown syntaxes are simple, check this guide for examples: Markdown
Display a single picture
Type declaration
type PictureProps = {
className?: string
alt?: string
src: string
alignment?: "left" | "right" | "expanded"
rounded?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl"
* By the default, when alignment is left or right, the width would be 1/2
* Some cases, you want it to be smaller, which is 1/3
oneThird?: boolean
- Usage
- Note
import Picture from "~/components/Picture"
alt="image's description"
What are the differences between Image
and Picture
display 1 single image.
display 1 single image based on the screen size. You can review its description for more information.
Type declaration is the same for all PriceTable components PricingTable.List
, PricingTable.TwoColumn
and PricingTable.ThreeColumn
Type declaration
type PricingTableListProps = {
pricingData: PricingData,
langTable: LangTable
type PricingData = {
title: string
description: string
defaultPriceType: PricingType
packages: PricingPackage[]
* if this data is provided, the pricing table would have
* a list of features listed on the left
* by this time, the size of `featuresHeading` must equal to `packages.features`
featuresHeadering?: string[]
currencyConversion: {
[key in Language]: {
ratio: number
rounding: number
type PricingType = "fixed" | "monthly" | "yearly" | "lifetime"
type PricingPackage = {
name: string
pricing: { type: PricingType, value: number }[]
features: { featureName: string, bulletType: BulletType, quantity?: number }[]
isPopular?: boolean
buttonText?: string
link: string
type BulletType = "none" | "available" | "unavailable"
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import PricingTable from "~/components/PricingTable"
export const pricingList: PricingData = {
title: "pricingList.title",
description: "pricingList.description",
defaultPriceType: "monthly",
packages: [
name: "free",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 1, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 1, bulletType: "unavailable" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 1, bulletType: "none" }
buttonText: "try-for-free",
link: "/contact"
name: "premium",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 19 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 200 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 3,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "Popular frameworks", bulletType: "unavailable" },
{ featureName: "Support", bulletType: "unavailable" },
{ featureName: "Infinite content", bulletType: "unavailable" },
buttonText: "Buy now",
isPopular: true,
link: "/contact"
name: "basic",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 3,bulletType: "unavailable" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 3,bulletType: "none" }
buttonText: "buy-now",
link: "/contact",
isPopular: false,
name: "enterprise",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 3, bulletType: "none" }
buttonText: "buy-now",
link: "/contact",
isPopular: false,
currencyConversion: {
"en": {
ratio: 1,
rounding: 2
"vi": {
ratio: 24_000,
rounding: -4
Type declaration
/* The same with `PricingTable.List` */
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import PricingTable from "~/components/PricingTable"
export const pricing2Column: PricingData = {
title: "pricing2Column.title",
description: "pricing2Column.description",
defaultPriceType: "yearly",
packages: [
name: "standard",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-tb",quantity: 1, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-team-nembers", quantity: 5,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "no", bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "yes", bulletType: "none" },
{ featureName: "%s-+projects", quantity: 10, bulletType: "none" },
buttonText: "buy-now",
link: "/contact"
name: "premium",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 19 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 200 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-tb", quantity: 3,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-team-members", quantity: 10,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "no", bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "yes", bulletType: "unavailable" },
{ featureName: "%s-+projects", quantity: 25,bulletType: "none" },
buttonText: "buy-now",
isPopular: true,
link: "/contact"
featuresHeadering: [
currencyConversion: {
"en": {
ratio: 1,
rounding: 2
"vi": {
ratio: 24_000,
rounding: -4
Type declaration
/* The same with `PricingTable.List` */
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import PricingTable from "~/components/PricingTable"
export const pricing3Column: PricingData = {
title: "pricing3Column.title",
description: "pricing3Column.description",
defaultPriceType: "monthly",
packages: [
name: "free",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 1, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 1,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual",quantity: 1, bulletType: "unavailable" }
buttonText: "try-for-free",
link: "/contact"
name: "premium",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 19 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 200 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories",quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 3,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 3,bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "popular-frameworks", bulletType: "none" },
{ featureName: "support", bulletType: "none" },
{ featureName: "infinite-content", bulletType: "none" },
buttonText: "buy-now",
isPopular: true,
link: "/contact"
name: "basic",
pricing: [
{ type: "monthly", value: 11 },
{ type: "yearly", value: 100 }
features: [
{ featureName: "%s-component-categories", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-mobile-components", quantity: 3, bulletType: "available" },
{ featureName: "%s-key-visual", quantity: 3, bulletType: "none" }
buttonText: "buy-now",
link: "/contact",
isPopular: false,
currencyConversion: {
"en": {
ratio: 1,
rounding: 2
"vi": {
ratio: 24_000,
rounding: -4
Type declaration
type ResumeExperienceProps = {
resume: ResumeExperience
langTable: LangTable
type ResumeExperience = {
title: string
description?: string
items: {
logoUrl: string
jobTitle: string
companyName: string
location: string
contractType: ContractType
startDate: string
endDate: string
description: MarkdownText
export type ContractType = "full-time" | "part-time" | "freelance"
* Why don't we set it as `string` type but `MarkdownText = string`
* That's because we want to indicate that.. we can use markdown text
* in this field.
export type MarkdownText = string
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Resume from "~/components/Resume"
export const experiences: ResumeExperience = {
title: "experience",
items: [
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "senior-developer",
companyName: "Twitter",
location: "London",
contractType: "full-time",
startDate: "June 2019",
endDate: "present",
description: "twitter-description",
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "middle-developer",
companyName: "Dropbox",
location: "London",
contractType: "part-time",
startDate: "April 2018",
endDate: "June 2019",
description: "dropbox-description",
logoUrl: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
jobTitle: "junior Developer",
companyName: "Blogger",
location: "London",
contractType: "full-time",
startDate: "December 2017",
endDate: "March 2018",
description: "blogger-description",
Type declaration
type ResumeEducationProps = {
resume: ResumeEducation
langTable: LangTable
type ResumeEducation = {
title: string
description?: string
items: {
logoUrl: string
major: string
schoolName: string
location: string
startDate: string
endDate: string
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Resume from "~/components/Resume"
export const education: ResumeEducation = {
title: "education",
items: [
logoUrl: "",
major: "master-in-software-engineering",
schoolName: "brunel-university",
location: "London",
startDate: "Sep 2017",
endDate: "May 2019",
logoUrl: "",
major: "master-in-software-engineering",
schoolName: "brunel-university",
location: "London",
startDate: "Sep 2013",
endDate: "May 2017",
Type declaration
type SliderProps = {
images: ImgSrcSet[]
autoPlay?: boolean
showThumbs?: boolean
alignment?: "left" | "right" | "expanded"
type ImgSrcSet = {
mobile: string
desktop?: string
description?: string
- Usage
- Data
- Note
import Slider from "~/components/Slider"
export const mySlides = [
mobile: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
description: "image 1"
mobile: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
description: "image 2"
mobile: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
description: "image 2"
mobile: "/img/background/placeholder.svg",
description: "image 2"
Slider could be full width or you can align it to the left
or right
Type declaration
type TestimonialsProps = {
testimonials: TestimonialsGroup,
langTable: LangTable
type TestimonialsGroup = {
title?: string
description?: string
testimonials: TestimonialItem[]
type TestimonialItem = {
name: string
title: string
imageUrl?: string
content: MarkdownText
- Usage
- Data
- Note
- Screenshots
import Testimonials from "~/components/Testimonials"
export const testimonials: TestimonialsGroup =
title: "testimonials",
description: "Commodo excepteur **exercitation** eiusmod in eiusmod ea in consequat non. Adipisicing ex cupidatat commodo fugiat do ea veniam ullamco qui aliquip officia mollit ipsum elit.",
testimonials: [
name: "Client1",
title: "Mr.Client1",
imageUrl: "",
content: "Qui culpa cillum do **eiusmod** veniam aliqua exercitation fugiat reprehenderit."
name: "Client2",
title: "Mr.Client2",
imageUrl: "",
content: "Qui culpa cillum do eiat **reprehenderit**. Sit aliquip qui sunt ex. Ex minim consequat sint reprehenderit ipsum consequat ex commodo dolore."
name: "Client3",
title: "Mr.Client3",
imageUrl: "",
content: "Qui culpa cillum do eiusmod veniam aliqua exercitation **fugiat reprehenderit**. Sit aliquip qui sunt ex. Ex minim consequat sint reprehenderit ipsum consequat ex commodo dolore."
name: "Client4",
title: "Mr.Client4",
imageUrl: "",
content: "Qui culpa cillum do eiusmod veniam aliqua exercitation **fugiat reprehenderit**. Sit aliquip qui sunt ex. Ex minim consequat sint reprehenderit ipsum consequat ex commodo dolore."
name: "Client5",
title: "Mr.Client5",
imageUrl: "",
content: "Qui culpa cillum do eiusmod veniam aliqua exercitation **fugiat reprehenderit**. Sit aliquip qui sunt ex. Ex minim consequat sint reprehenderit ipsum consequat ex commodo dolore."
Type declaration
type TranslateProps = {
lang: Language
children: React.ReactNode
- Usage
- Note
//this block only display when current selected language is `en`
<Translate lang="en">
Hello world
//this block only display when current selected language is `vi`
<Translate lang="vi">
Xin chào!
is type of Language
which is defined at ~/data/settings/config.ts
export type Language = "en" | "vi"
export const SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES: Language[] = ["en", "vi"]
export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Language = "en"
export const CURRENCY: Record<Language, string> = {
"en": "USD",
"vi": "VND"
Embed youtube video.
Type declaration
type VideoYoutubeProps = {
* `id` of the video or playlist
* eg:
* you can use `8kV8KVWZYaw` or `PLCzpHpwST0xx8IxDzF82Va_rhIEcpbgW5`
id: string
params?: string
* `id` of any video within the playlist, to get the cover
playlistCoverId?: string
* title of the video
title: string
alignment?: "left" | "right" | "expanded"
- Usage
- Note
- Screenshots
import Video from "~/components/Video"
title="Phương Ý"
Play your local video files.
Type declaration
type VideoLocalProps = {
src: string
autoPlay?: boolean
loop?: boolean
muted?: boolean
aspectRatio?: string
className?: string
- Usage
- Note
import Video from "~/components/Video"
The default aspect-ratio is 16 / 9