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Internationalization (i18n)

Aris supports multiple languages, and it has its mechanism for internationalization.

Config languages

The following example is to support 2 languages, English (en) and Vietnamese (vi). Please don't hesitate to update config.tsx to match your desired languages.

* Reference 2 letters language code at
* Modify all variables below to add/remove supported languages for your site

export type Language = "en" | "vi"
export const SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES: Language[] = ["en", "vi"]
export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Language = "en"
export const CURRENCY: Record<Language, string> = {
"en": "USD",
"vi": "VND"

Languages sample structure

Take a look at folder app/languages for more details. The simplest way to create a language file is to duplicate existing language files.

import type { Language } from "~/data/settings/config"

* Keys or langKeys
* Recommend to use langKeys in the component,
* the actual text would be supplied by translation system

const langKey = [
] as const

* Types to data consistency checking

type LangKey = typeof langKey[number]
type LangTable = { [key in Language]: { [P in LangKey]: string } }

* Values for each languages

const languageSwitcherLangTable: LangTable = {
en: {
"english": "English",
"vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
vi: {
"english": "Tiếng Anh",
"vietnamese": "Tiếng Việt",

export default languageSwitcherLangTable

Translate mechanism

Structure of language file

First we declare an array of language key. Here, there are 2 sample language key

const langKey = [
] as const

and down below the file, we just compose the translation for each language key in each language with following structure:

const languageSwitcherLangTable: LangTable = {
en: {
"english": "English",
"vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
vi: {
"english": "Tiếng Anh",
"vietnamese": "Tiếng Việt",

And if you do anything wrong, the typescript would alert with incorrect content.

Use the translation files

There are two cases:

  1. You are using a content block. For example,

    faqs={faqsServices} // <== just provided the language table>
  2. Or you are updating a React component.

    import useTranslate from "~/utils/useTranslate"
    // you use a translation hook
    const { t } = useTranlsate([.../* put your language table here*/...])
    //and in the body of the component, just use t function to do the translation

    For more details about using useTranslate, take a look at useTranslate.

Video tutorial